This quick post about podcasts is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this medium. Anyone who listens to NPR regularly has heard Fresh Air, The Moth, This American Life, and other podcast-type radio shows. I love all of these, but one that is especially useful in the classroom is This I Believe.
First of all, it is a shorter program, and it's always personal and inspiring. Hearing people (both the famous and un) talk about their fundamental beliefs and approaches to life is eye-opening and makes a great jumping-off point for students to clarify and codify their own beliefs. It triggers some wonderful essays!
The website for This I Believe contains many resources for educators to use with students, which are located here: I highly recommend you check this out!
I also listen to a lot of NPR podcasts. I haven't heard of the This I believe. I'll have to check it out!